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Jabiru (Jabiru mycteria)

Jabiru (Jabiru mycteria)

Regular price $128.34 USD
Regular price Sale price $128.34 USD
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Outside Frame Size: 17 3/16" x 17 3/16"

Explanation of Dimensions

The "Art Size" item above contains the dimensions of the IMAGE ONLY. The "Outside Frame Dimensions" are the dimensions incorporating the image, the matting (if any) and the frame. Both are in the format width X length in inches.

Description: Jabiru is a large stork that lives in the wetlands of Central and South America. It has a black head and neck, a white body and a red pouch on its throat. It feeds on fish, reptiles and small mammals. Jabiru is the national bird of Belize and a symbol of the Pantanal region in Brazil.

Photographer: Charles J. Sharp

License: CC BY-SA 4.0

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