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Napoleon House - New Orleans

Napoleon House - New Orleans

Regular price $86.94 USD
Regular price Sale price $86.94 USD
Sale Sold out

Outside Frame Size: 12 3/16" x 8 3/16"

Explanation of Dimensions

The "Art Size" item above contains the dimensions of the IMAGE ONLY. The "Outside Frame Dimensions" are the dimensions incorporating the image, the matting (if any) and the frame. Both are in the format width X length in inches.

Description: Napoleon House is a historic building and restaurant in the French Quarter of New Orleans. It was built in 1797 and named after Napoleon Bonaparte, who was offered refuge there by the mayor of New Orleans in 1821. The offer was never accepted, but the name stuck.

Photographer: Robbie Mendelson (No Link)

License: CC BY-SA 2.0

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